Monday, January 14, 2008

Overdue Wrap Up

I know. I am totally a slacker. I'm supposed to do one of those end of the year wrap up/first of the new year posts. Well, I think we all know... I'm not that girl. I don't really do resolutions. If you can't keep a promise to yourself in the middle of the year, what makes you think you can do it at the start? And if you don't know what my year as been like, chances are, I planned it that way. Sorry, I think I'll keep the details of my pap smear to myself.

So instead I shall present totally random stuff.

Rockband! - Normally I would have linked that to their official site. But, their official site does that annoying thing where it resizes your browser window. And... I utterly hate that. But so far, that is the only complaint I have about Rockband. So there.

It's fun. It's social. And it's the only thing in decades (evidently) to get Micki to listen to some new music.

Also, I can use my drumsticks as weapons. Sometimes even intentionally.

Heroes - Finally started watching Season 1. Totally hooked thus far.

Apartment Shopping - As in, we are moving it looks like. We've been debating for some time, getting a second cat so that Pip would have a playmate. But, what's better than a kitten? That's right, a muppet. We're moving in with Jesse.

I can taste your jealousy. And it tastes like... um... caramel? Yeah. Caramel.

Absinthe - It's legal now, sweeties. However, this is not an excuse for the absinthe parties to end. It just means they will be less illegal now. I know. I'm sad too.

Sushi is still tits.

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