Friday, October 12, 2007

And there was much rejoicing!

Nancy arrived this week. All big and black and daring me to touch her.

It was awkward at first. A stranger in my home. Just sitting there, top off and waiting. But slowly, carefully, John helped me to take care of her. To get her settled in. And most importantly, to make sure everything I needed fit right inside of her.

Then... finally... I got to touch her button. She purred.

Yay new computer!


Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm packing again (moving out of nyc at least for a while to do some traveling) and once more packing the giant filing cabinet. Guess what I came across. Do you remember the birthday-cardboard you created by covering it with magazine cutouts that had something to do with me or things I liked: pooh, gargoyles, nightmare before christmas, tori amos, quotes like "women are not sacred vessels, shatterable at a touch". Anyhow, that was a really cool gift (obviously, I still have it). 1996 - my, oh, my. I don't even have your email address anymore- how sad is that. Glad I still have your old blog in my favorites though. Anyhow, I'm jamie sue c @gmail com --take out all the spaces and if you're a facebook person I'm and Daniel's on there too. I keep hoping to find Vic on there as well, but no such luck. Hope all is well. -Jamie (now JamieSue)

Anonymous said...

Oddly, I'm turned on.