Monday, November 12, 2007

I can't stop laughing


Remember when I said I was the sort of person who can take joy from the misery of miserable people?

That is totally me today. God, I love it when willfully stupid people get it in the ass. All together now, everybody sing, "But I'm the victim".

Friday, November 2, 2007

I cannot fucking fathom it

You know, some people are just jackasses. Some people just have shitastical judgment. I know I stick my foot in my mouth plenty. So, I'm just going to clear a few things up. Just for anyone wondering. Just in case you were curious. Just so you don't have to ask, though you probably fucking should have before opening you giant fucking mouth. But here goes...

Now I am a a certain kind of asshole. I will rip people to shreds for being stupid. I will delight in the misery of miserable people. I generally feel that people who aren't at least trying to be honest with themselves, aren't worth the oxygen they breathe. I am willing to put the desires of my beau ahead of the comfort of others. And I don't apologize for being me.

Now, here's the kind of asshole that I am not. I don't care what your race is. I don't care whatever the fuck goes on between consenting adults. I don't give a fuck who you worship. And I really don't think that your height or weight has fuck all to do with your value as a human being.

So there, just in case you were wondering what sort of asshole I am.