Wednesday, April 9, 2008

This is me... sucking

So yeah, life has been nuts. In the past couple of months we have been through an unexpected firing, the plague flu from hell, a respiratory infection, two moves (yes, moved. twice. fuckinghell.) the beginning of two divorces of friends, and the start of a friend's life here in Connecticut. And these are the things I have directly been involved in the physical and emotional labor of. Enough to keep a girl busy, sure. But not an excuse for my recent fuckupery.

I've always been shitty with dates. I mean this. I love you, but I will forget your birthday. Unless I write it down and stare at that calendar every day, I will miss it. And I'm not likely to do that. There is a very small handful of people that I can actually remember the date. And of those people, I will still often lose track of time and not realize it was their birthday until after its gone.

But it still bothers me. And I will still feel like shit over this for a while. Cause all I had to do was pick up a phone and say, "Bella baby, hey." She deserves a shit ton more than that.

Anyway, this is to all my friends. Since I know I have forgotten and will forget your birthdays, anniversaries, and other important occasions. I'm sorry. I love you. I will do it again. And I still love you. Just because I know you well enough to explain your own emotions to you, or we're close enough that I've petted your hair while you cried... does not mean I will feel and do those things any less. Even though I suck enough to forget to say Happy Birthday on time.

Forgive me this flaw, please. I will continue to fondle all of your flaws. I promise.


Anonymous said...

I love you, sweets. And that's part of it, knowing each other's wierdnesses and still loving anyway.

:p *hug*

Anonymous said...

I always assumed we were a wash as I always miss yours... and your boy's...and my boy's.
Yeah I get it.
Altho you still have to fondle my madness.


Anonymous said...

June 25th right? Yes I know the date doesn't mean I'll remember when it gets here. You are forgiven your memory because heck I forgive mine!!! Love to see you sometime, maybe we can get together again like we did, that time, and go to fun stores like we did!! Bleah!!
