Thursday, October 23, 2008

Geekery vs. Lechery

He: I should stick to the naming convention I already chose - Shadowrun dragons. Lofwyr... Hestaby... Ryumyo

Me: Masaru, Rhonabwy, Sonador, Sirrug

He: Sirrurg, isn't it?

Me: Wow, yes. It is. Holy shit, you remember the proper spelling? You're a freak. 

He: Do you know how long I played Shadowrun for?

Me: Longer than I've been having sex?

He: Probably. I started in highschool. 89? 90?

Me: Yeah, lost my virginity in like 93? 94?

He: Then played twice a week for like... 3 years.

Me: Hrm... you may have played more SR than I've had sex. This is disturbing.

He: Maybe.

Me: I wonder who had more fun.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Unhealthy Obsessions

Why do I find myself attracted to Putin?

Is it his intense stare? His massive power? 

Or simply the idea of screaming out, "Rape me like I'm Georgia!" in bed?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Science rocks my soul

Here's a really interesting article from the NY Times by John Tierney.

Deep Down, We Can't Even Fool Ourselves

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Not a post about turning 30

I had planned to write some rambling thing about turning 30 today. But instead, I'll sum up and get to what is really on my mind.

30: Been looking forward to this. Yay! I'm 30. Guess what, I'm still me. And if you're one of those twits who thinks I should feel bad about this milestone... then maybe you should start looking at yourself and figure out why you think youth is an end point, not part of the journey.

Now, on to the madness.

My mother calls me today. The traditional 8:15 wish me a Happy Birthday call. And... about 2 minutes into it she says she has some bad news. I think... cancer. She has cancer. She is dying. No, not tragic enough. My nephew... the youngest one... yes... he is dying. Some wilting disease. Right?

Newp. My sister is getting a divorce. Instead of going into detail on that and airing the dirty laundry of a woman few of you know... I'll get to the point. In the conversation that follows, as my mother tells me more and more of the recent events that led up to someone actually uttering the word divorce, I find myself going through all the damn enabling behavior of my sister. Just like the enabling behavior of my mother. All fueled by fear.

And of course, I get angry. I do my thing where I just go over and over in my head how people can be so stupid. I once again mentally tear into my sister, my mother, and a couple of my friends. Why would they put up with that? Why would you stay in a situation where you obviously weren't happy? Why would you go along with something you just didn't agree with? On and on... and other than my brain... only the beau really has ever heard how bad it can get. How truly cutting, judgmental, and harsh I am of other people. And the people I care about get it the worst.

But then, he understands why I need to do it.

Sometimes, I feel bad about this little cycle of mine. Where I pick apart every flaw of a human being, connect the dots and ask, "Why? Why the fuck would you do this?" Just a few nights ago, in fact, after totally dissecting the unhealthy behavior of a friend I growled and threw my hands up and asked once again why I bothered.

He just calmly started to bring up a few points to remind me that people, are in fact, human. And not all mistakes are about willful stupidity.

I sighed. "I'm an ass. I go off. I know I do. But it just makes me so angry. But I shouldn't. We're all dealing with our own demons."

He just smiled. "It's okay."

"Why is it okay that I'm a judgmental bitch?"

"Because, you're like that with everyone. You're worst on yourself. And you remember to forgive them all just as quickly as you damn them."

So, as I listened to my mother go on and on, wanting to strangle her and my sister for being emotionally masochists, that little twinge of guilt wasn't there.

We do really deserve to be strangled for our faults.

We also deserve to be forgiven when we work to change them.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ms. Undead South Dakota

Him: I have a major Dead Rising hankering... More cool zombie dreams last night. ~nods~

Me: I would like to point out that you describe having dreams about zombies... as... 'cool'

Him: They're not always cool... but when you're the hero fending off hordes of zombies with grace and poise.. that's pretty cool

Me: ~smiles~ Grace and poise? Was there an evening gown portion of the competition?

Him: haha yes.

And I won.

I love you interwebz

Since I can't have a single conversation without twisting a dirty thought from it, of course I love to see someone twisting dirty thoughts into innocent humor.

Innocent Spam

Monday, May 12, 2008

Flesh Torpedoes

So a student walks in and I can't stop staring at her breasts.

No, they are fully covered. She's wearing a turtle neck. No, they are not remarkably large. She's a fairly petite girl. I think it had something to do with THE 1940's CROSS YOUR HEART BRA she must have been wearing. The type that forms your unsuspecting boobs into pointy flesh torpedoes. It was all I could do not to clutch my own chest and whimper an empathic 'ow'.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

This is me... sucking

So yeah, life has been nuts. In the past couple of months we have been through an unexpected firing, the plague flu from hell, a respiratory infection, two moves (yes, moved. twice. fuckinghell.) the beginning of two divorces of friends, and the start of a friend's life here in Connecticut. And these are the things I have directly been involved in the physical and emotional labor of. Enough to keep a girl busy, sure. But not an excuse for my recent fuckupery.

I've always been shitty with dates. I mean this. I love you, but I will forget your birthday. Unless I write it down and stare at that calendar every day, I will miss it. And I'm not likely to do that. There is a very small handful of people that I can actually remember the date. And of those people, I will still often lose track of time and not realize it was their birthday until after its gone.

But it still bothers me. And I will still feel like shit over this for a while. Cause all I had to do was pick up a phone and say, "Bella baby, hey." She deserves a shit ton more than that.

Anyway, this is to all my friends. Since I know I have forgotten and will forget your birthdays, anniversaries, and other important occasions. I'm sorry. I love you. I will do it again. And I still love you. Just because I know you well enough to explain your own emotions to you, or we're close enough that I've petted your hair while you cried... does not mean I will feel and do those things any less. Even though I suck enough to forget to say Happy Birthday on time.

Forgive me this flaw, please. I will continue to fondle all of your flaws. I promise.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Even better than the lamentation of their women

The best lollipops ever

Seriously, all they need is a freaking honeypot pussy flavored one and I will be complete.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

It's been a while

So, there was a flu. And an upper respiratory infection. Followed by a move... while I was still getting winded just from going up the stairs once. We would not have made it through without the help of some very excellent friends. Thank you guys... yet again.

We're out of the ghetto that we were living in... however we're not yet at the new place. The old tenet is being evicted and that is tacking on some extra time. So for now, we're at Jesse's old place which is still his current place.... for the time being. Wheee fun.

But what inspired me to finally post has nothing to do with any of that.

Gary Gygax died.

And geek though I am, I am not going to sit here and wax poetic about his life. He created a really cool game. And then showed himself to be a rotten old turd when people TRIED TO MAKE THE RULES OF HIS GAME ACTUALLY WORK.

Long live D20. Screw you, Mr. Gygax.

Friday, February 1, 2008


Soooo... I'm filtering comments now. Why? Because I hate anon posting. You don't have to give your address, but just a little something to let me know who the fuck you are.

I found a comment up last night that I took down for just that reason. It was a question, one that my TMI ass would have happily answered if it had been signed. But it wasn't. So instead, it just creeped me out. Maybe it was a spammer. Maybe it was a pervy ass stalker.

If it was a pervy ass stalker, all I ask is that you make up some handle to sign your shit and I'll let your comments stand. I mean cause, what fun is masturbating to the thought of your greasy fingered questions if I don't have a name to scream out?

Thursday, January 31, 2008

My mind, the gutter

So after a brief exchange about software, my coworker says:

"I'll be thinking of you while I boot up tonight."

Am I the only one who finds that statement vaguely dirty?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Come and knock on our door

I am stuck at work, but the boys are out apartment/house shopping today. Here's hoping they find something with a large bathtub, good lighting, and a robot that comes out of the broom closet and cleans it all while I'm at work.

I actually spoke with my mother the other day, trying to explain the upcoming shift in my living arrangements. It started simply enough, with the phrase 'I'm moving'.

"Away? Again?"

I say: No mom, just around the block or maybe a few towns over. We're getting a roommate, Jesse, so we're going to need a bigger place.

I think: No mom, I already moved away. And to the land of yankees. I don't think in your mind I can get anymore away than that.

"Oh, is this a friend of John's or something?"

I say: Yes, and mine. They work for the same company. He's a really great guy and we all get along very well.

I think: You know, I can hear the suspicion in your voice. Your brain cannot compute why I'd rather have a roommate instead of kid. Obviously, something is wrong with me and John. And possibly, I am fucking this other guy for kicks. Hrm... now there's a thought.

"Well, it'll be like Three's Company then, won't it."

I say: So I have to pretend I'm gay when the landlord shows up?

I think: So I have to pretend I'm straight when the landlord shows up?

Monday, January 14, 2008

Overdue Wrap Up

I know. I am totally a slacker. I'm supposed to do one of those end of the year wrap up/first of the new year posts. Well, I think we all know... I'm not that girl. I don't really do resolutions. If you can't keep a promise to yourself in the middle of the year, what makes you think you can do it at the start? And if you don't know what my year as been like, chances are, I planned it that way. Sorry, I think I'll keep the details of my pap smear to myself.

So instead I shall present totally random stuff.

Rockband! - Normally I would have linked that to their official site. But, their official site does that annoying thing where it resizes your browser window. And... I utterly hate that. But so far, that is the only complaint I have about Rockband. So there.

It's fun. It's social. And it's the only thing in decades (evidently) to get Micki to listen to some new music.

Also, I can use my drumsticks as weapons. Sometimes even intentionally.

Heroes - Finally started watching Season 1. Totally hooked thus far.

Apartment Shopping - As in, we are moving it looks like. We've been debating for some time, getting a second cat so that Pip would have a playmate. But, what's better than a kitten? That's right, a muppet. We're moving in with Jesse.

I can taste your jealousy. And it tastes like... um... caramel? Yeah. Caramel.

Absinthe - It's legal now, sweeties. However, this is not an excuse for the absinthe parties to end. It just means they will be less illegal now. I know. I'm sad too.

Sushi is still tits.